Frequently asked questions about translation services

Мога ли да ползвам всички услуги на компанията в партньорски офис?

Ла Фит Транс предлага услуги по писмен и устен превод на различни езици и легализация и заверки на документи във всички държавни администрации и посолства на територията на Република България.

Услугите са описани в Секция "Услуги" и могат да се заявят във всеки един от представителните офиси на компнията. Посочените цени и срок за извършване на услугите са еднакви за всички офиси.

Translation of documents

Translations from and into more than 50 languages from certified (sworn) translators by the Directorate "Consular Affairs" to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Legalization of documents

Preparation of documents for legalization and certification, as well as their their filing in various state administrations and embassies.


Interpreters for simultaneous and consecutive translation. Accompanying and performing the formalities relating to executing transactions before a notary public. Providing equipment for simultaneous translation.

Specialized translations

Translation of documents with technical, medical, legal, financial etc. terminology by specialized translators.

Online translations

Online translations through a specialized centralized information system and client profile.

Certified Translations

Certification of translations of official and private (unofficial) documents and other papers.

Do you need translation and legalization of documents?

You can request an order for translation and legalization of documents at our headquarters, at an office from the office network or through our online platform

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